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About the farm


Reap and Sow Farm is a small farm situated on a little less than an acre in Hinesburg, Vermont. The farm is a project born from the minds of two old friends; Matt Lasser, a farmer, and Josh Fisher, a chef. Around the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 we started chatting about the possibility of starting some sort of food business together. Considering one of us was a farmer who loved growing for culinary use, and the other one was a farm-to-table chef, we felt that we had unique experiences and a unique line of communication between the field and the kitchen that could translate into a business.

After many years of plotting, planning, and scheming we arrived at step one of our plans; starting Reap & Sow Farm. At Reap & Sow we grow with an eye towards culinary use. Each season we grow a wide range of vegetables, fruits, herbs, microgreens, and cut flowers. We are also in the beginning stages of starting a mushroom program! All of our products are grown free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. We like to let nature be nature!

The varieties that we grow are selected based on what we like to work with in the kitchen. This means that we grow for flavor, presentation, and ease of preparation.

And while the farm may start with Matt and Josh, none of it would be possible without the help of our friends and family. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by incredible people and we take great pride in being able to participate in, strengthen, and help build the community around us. It’s these connections that propel our business into the future and for that we are abundantly thankful.

In the future look for much more from us - from catering, to food products, to event planning, and much, much more. Together with our local community we look forward to what the future holds!


Matt Lasser

Matt first came to Vermont in 2008 as a freshman at UVM. It was during this time that he met Josh, along with many more characters from around the state. Between the people and the landscape, Vermont felt more like home than anywhere else. After living in the Sierra Nevadas and Massachusetts after college he came back to Vermont in 2017 and charged straight ahead towards starting Reap & Sow. When not farming in the fields or putting things on plates in a kitchen you can find Matt making music, exploring wilderness, watching movies, or paddling his kayak down a quiet stream.


Josh Fisher

Josh is originally from Pennsylvania, but spent his formative years in Vermont and is proud to call it home. He is new to the farming game, but has worked closely with the industry his entire professional career as a farm to table chef. Improving local food system efficiencies, creating industry synergies, and building community are driving forces in day to day activities. When he is not working on the farm or in the kitchen he prefers to either be exploring the wilderness or travelling to new cities to eat and drink his way through them.
